How To Clean Swimming Goggles?

Diving into the crystal-clear waters of your local pool or the open sea, the last thing you want is fogged-up or dirty swimming goggles clouding your underwater experience. As trivial as it might seem, maintaining clean and clear swimming goggles is crucial for every swimmer, from casual beach-goers to competitive athletes.

Yet, not everyone knows the proper techniques to keep their goggles in top-notch condition.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of swimming goggles, exploring the best practices for cleaning and maintaining them. Our aim is to ensure that your underwater views remain as clear as the waters you swim in.

Here are the essential takeaways we’ll cover:

  • The Importance of Regular Cleaning: Understanding why keeping your goggles clean not only extends their life but also improves your swimming experience.
  • Choosing the Right Cleaning Materials: Highlighting the safest and most effective products and materials for goggle maintenance.
  • Step-by-Step Cleaning Guide: A detailed walkthrough of the cleaning process, ensuring you get it right without damaging your goggles.
  • Preventing Fog and Scratches: Tips and tricks on how to keep your goggles fog-free and protect them from scratches.
  • Storage and Maintenance Tips: How to properly store your goggles to prevent damage and ensure they’re ready for your next swim.

Equipped with these insights, you’ll be ready to tackle goggle maintenance with confidence, ensuring your swimming experience remains unclouded.

Let’s dive in and explore how to keep your swimming goggles in pristine condition, ensuring they serve you well swim after swim.

How to Clean Your Swimming Goggles

To ensure your swimming goggles are free of bacteria and don’t fog up during a triathlon, follow this meticulous cleaning guide:

Post-Swim Rinse

Immediately after use, rinse your goggles under cool, fresh water. This step washes away chlorine, salt, and other residues that can accumulate on your goggles during a swim.

Weekly Deep Clean

Once a week, give your goggles a more thorough clean to remove any build-up and ensure they’re in top condition for your next race.

Material Method Purpose
Mild Soap Solution Gently clean the lenses and frame with a soft cloth. Removes oils and dirt without damaging the anti-fog coating.
Baby Shampoo Apply a tiny drop to the inside of the lenses, rinse off gently. Keeps the anti-fog coating intact while cleaning.
Vinegar Solution (Optional) Mix one part white vinegar with three parts water. Use it to lightly clean the goggles every few weeks, if necessary, to remove mineral deposits. Disinfects and removes tough mineral deposits without harsh chemicals.


Let your goggles air dry in a shaded, well-ventilated area. Direct sunlight or heat can degrade the materials and affect the anti-fog coating.


Once dry, store your goggles in a protective case to prevent scratches and exposure to dirt and bacteria. Avoid leaving them out in direct sunlight or in hot environments, as this can cause the materials to deteriorate faster.

Remember, avoid touching the inside of the lenses as much as possible to prevent smudges and scratches, which can impair your vision in the water. Regular maintenance not only ensures clear vision and hygiene but also extends the life of your goggles, saving you time, money, and hassle in the long run.

Do You Want to Make Every Lap Count?

Ensuring your swimming goggles are impeccably clean is pivotal for ace performance in a triathlon. Spotless goggles offer unobstructed vision, crucial for navigation and efficiency during the swim segment. Here’s how meticulous cleaning aids in elevating your triathlon prowess:

  • Unhindered Vision: Clear lenses are essential for spotting buoys, competitors, and understanding your course, thus optimising your navigation and speed.
  • Prevention of Goggle Wear: Proper maintenance wards off lens scratches and prolongs the goggles’ lifespan, ensuring consistent performance and reducing the frequency of replacements.
  • Comfort and Focus: Clean, fog-free goggles enhance comfort, enabling you to concentrate on your stroke and pacing rather than adjusting your eyewear.
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Maintenance Step Benefits Triathlon Impact
Rinsing with lukewarm water Removes chlorine and debris Ensures clarity and prevents lens damage
Avoiding lens contact Prevents smudging and scratches Maintains clear vision for precise swimming
Using vinegar mix for stains Effectively cleans without damaging lenses Preserves goggle integrity for consistent performance

Proper goggle maintenance not only sharpens your competitive edge but also echoes a commitment to detail, mirroring the discipline required for triathlon success.

Goggle Care and Maintenance: The 5 Golden Rules

Caring for and maintaining your swimming goggles isn’t just about keeping them clean; it’s about preserving your vision in the water and ensuring your gear lasts as long as possible. Here are the 5 golden rules to keep your goggles in top-notch condition:

Rule 1: Rinse Thoroughly Rinse your goggles with cold, fresh water after every swim. This simple act washes away chlorine, salt, and other harmful chemicals that can degrade both the silicone around the edges and the clarity of the lenses.
Rule 2: Clean Gently For a deeper clean, opt for a mild dish soap or baby shampoo. Apply sparingly and rub gently with your fingers. Rinse well to avoid leaving any soapy residue, which can affect visibility and comfort.
Rule 3: Air Dry Post-rinse, leave your goggles to air dry in a shaded, well-ventilated area. Direct sunlight can warp the material and degrade the anti-fog coating, while storing them wet can encourage bacterial growth.
Rule 4: Avoid Touching Lenses Keep your fingers away from the inside of the lenses. Oils and dirt from your hands can strip away the anti-fog coating, reducing visibility. If water droplets gather, gently shake the goggles to remove them.
Rule 5: Store Properly When not in use, keep your goggles in a protective case. This prevents scratches on the lenses, which can impair vision, and also protects the goggles from being squashed or bent out of shape.

These steps, simple as they might seem, are the backbone of goggle maintenance. They prevent the common annoyances of cloudiness, leaks, and discomfort that can distract you from your swim.

Remember, good goggle care is akin to good hygiene—it’s essential for both health and performance.

Clean Your Swimming Goggles and Keep Them Fresh with These Tips

Cleaning and maintaining your swimming goggles properly ensures they stay fresh, functional, and ready for your next triathlon training or competition. Here’s how to keep your goggles in top condition:

Rinse After Use Cleaning Storage
Rinse with cool, fresh water. Use mild soap or cleaner. Store in a protective case.
Avoid hot water. Apply with a soft cloth. Keep in a cool, dry place.

By following these tips, you’ll extend the life of your swimming goggles and ensure they’re always ready for your triathlon adventures.

Goggle Care and Maintenance: The 5 Golden Rules

To keep your swimming goggles in pristine condition, ready to face the rigorous demands of triathlon training or competition, adhere to these 5 golden rules of goggle care and maintenance.

These rules are the bedrock of ensuring your goggles remain your faithful ally in the water, preserving both clarity of vision and eye health. Let’s dive straight into the specifics:

Rule 1: Rinse Thoroughly Post-swim, always rinse your goggles with cold, fresh water. This simple act washes away chlorine, salt, sweat, and oils that degrade materials and cloud your vision. Avoid hot water, as it can weaken the goggle’s seals and distort the lens.
Rule 2: Clean with Care Once a week, treat your goggles to a deeper clean using a mild soap solution or baby shampoo. This helps maintain the anti-fog coating and prevents build-up. Gentle is the game; harsh chemicals or abrasive materials can strip away protective layers.
Rule 3: Air Dry Completely After rinsing, let your goggles air dry in a shaded, well-ventilated area. This prevents moisture build-up that could lead to mold or lens fogging. Direct sunlight’s a no-go, as it can age the material, causing it to yellow or become brittle.
Rule 4: Avoid Touching the Lenses Keep fingers and cloths away from the inside of the lenses. The anti-fog coating is delicate, and rubbing can wear it away, reducing visibility. If you must, dab gently with a soft, lint-free cloth.
Rule 5: Store Properly When not in use, keep your goggles in a protective case to safeguard against scratches and pressure damage. Avoid cramming them into your kit bag without protection; even minor scrapes can impair vision.
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By embracing these guidelines, as championed by eyewear sage Robert Perry, you fortify your goggles against the ravages of time and the elements.

How To Clean Swimming Goggles-2

These are not mere suggestions but commandments for the triathlete who seeks to excel, ensuring your goggles remain clear, comfortable, and ready for any challenge that comes your way.

Clean Your Swimming Goggles and Keep Them Fresh with These Tips

To keep your swimming goggles in tip-top condition and ensure your vision underwater is as clear as the waters you swim in, follow these straightforward and effective tips. These methods are especially crafted for triathlon enthusiasts who demand nothing less than perfection from their gear.

Step Action Notes
1 Rinse with cool or lukewarm water Immediately after use, hold your goggles under the tap, allowing the flow to gently wash away chlorine, salt, and debris.
2 Wash with mild soap For non-coated lenses, a dab of baby shampoo or mild soap helps remove oils and lotions without harming the goggles.
3 Air-dry thoroughly Leave them in a well-ventilated spot away from direct sunlight to prevent lens damage and strap wear.
4 Remove excess grime with vinegar A blend of vinegar and warm water can tackle stubborn dirt. Soak for a few minutes, then rinse.
5 Store properly Keep your goggles in a protective case to shield them from scratches and excessive heat, prolonging their lifespan.

These steps, coupled with careful handling and avoiding touching the lenses, will keep your goggles ready for every dive, swim, and splash.


For all swimmers, from the leisurely to the very competitive, proper maintenance of swimming goggles becomes essential in the pursuit of optimal performance and clarity underwater. This post walks you through the important of maintaining your goggles in a state that matches their initial submersion in water. Every action you take contributes to preserving the ideal harmony between functioning and cleanliness, from the essential weekly cleanse that keeps your eyes clear and your mind focused to the post-swim rinse that removes the harshness of salt and chlorine.

Adopting these procedures turns cleaning your goggles from a hassle into a ritual that guarantees your underwater experience stays as pure as the seas you go through. The cornerstones of goggle maintenance are these guidelines: rinse with lukewarm water, use mild cleansers, let air dry away from direct sunlight, and store with care. Collectively, they create a shield that prolongs the lifespan of your goggles, guaranteeing that every swim is as pleasant and clear as the previous.

Remember that goggles are more than simply an accessory—they are your window to the underwater world as you prepare for your next aquatic excursion. Give them the attention they need, and lap after lap, they will reward you with clear vision and steadfast dependability.

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